On the building itself, you can see work being done on the over hang. I was reminded of old-time high-rise riveters, sometimes called (affectionaltely, I hope) "monkeys," in that I saw one worker standing on the outer edge, leaning back toward the building, trimming a board with his saw. This overhang now surrounds the building. Window frames are in place, too.
Inside, the conduits have been run and swich boxes and outlets have been attached. On the floor, the general outlines of the internal rooms can be seen. From my vantage point, I could locate the orientation theater, special exhibits gallery, Museum Store ... and because of that, the remaining space will be our "Grand Hall." It looks pretty cool and smells wonderful ... hard to beat that fresh wood aroma.
Much work remains, including getting some things paid for. Your help in the financing would be greatly appreciated, whether you can help with any of the 'naming opportunities' or the more mundane-yet-necessary 'nuts 'n bolts.' It's a community project and it's a good chance to show your community spirit.
Today's photos include (top to bottom) former Board President 'Steve' Stevenson peering in at the progress, the floor layout of what will become the orientation theater, a look at the overhang work, and the window frames.
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